
"The Sky is beautiful, don't you think, Eric?"

Best thing ever: taking pictures of people you love for people you love! In July, we (along with 8 other members of our church) went to Albania on a missions trip to come alongside our sweet friends, the Stires, in their ministry.

Our friend, Eric, was the leader of the trip and because his wife, Sky, had to take a summer school class in order to graduate on time, she was not able to go with us. A week before we left, Sky came over to our apartment and the two of us walked around the property snapping pictures of her. After I had developed and printed them she put them in envelopes along with love letters and each day on the trip I gave Eric the envelope for that day. It makes me teary just to think of it now. Those letters (along of course with these photos) were a constant source of strength for Eric--knowing his sweet wife was behind him and praying for him all the way in America.


Isn't Sky stunning? She's so beautiful--it was so easy to get great photos of her.

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